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Joel Salatin

This recommendation is a little different from my usual: Joel Salatin, for those who have not encountered his name before, is a farmer and advocate for old-style natural farming techniques and healthy food. His many books and videos are available through the website for Polyface Farm as well as through retailers.

In particular, I praise his book Folks, this ain’t normal, A Farmer’s Advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People, and a Better World. This volume contains shocking facts about how the world of agriculture, agribusiness, and food retailing really works―and fails to work properly. Along the way, it shines a light on many other problematic issues that have become prevalent in our modern societies, all directly or indirectly related to how we think of, grow or buy, prepare, and eat our food.

Mr. Salatin’s writing style is easy to read and often hilarious. (The reader does have to note the irony of many statements that lampoon common attitudes that make no sense if one thinks critically.) All in all, his books are informative and thought-provoking.

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